Placing Banner Ads

Placing banner ads can be a highly effective way to market your business on the internet. Banner ads are essentially advertisements which appear on a website, usually in the form of a combination of graphics and text, to encourage internet users to click through these advertisements to your website. The most common form of banner…

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Using Guest Bloggers

Owners of a successful blog that has a large following may sometimes have the need to use guest bloggers. An example of when this practice may be a good idea is when the owner of a popular blog will be unavailable to post new blog entries for an extended period of time. In this case…

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Maintaining a Successful Blog

Creating a blog is relatively simply. However, maintaining a successful blog is a far more difficult process. This is because there are so many different factors which can contribute to the success of a blog. Some of these factors include the subject of the blog, the popularity of the blog and even the aesthetic layout…

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A Quick Guide To LinkedIn Marketing #2

In my previous post, some tips were discussed about  LinkedIn marketing and how these could help your brand or online business be noticed by your targeted audience. The second part  of this quick know-how article deep dives into the rest of the list. To continue, stay strong and relevant—find your consumers and make the connection,…

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A Quick Guide To LinkedIn Marketing #1

The marketing and advertising landscape have changed dramatically over the past five years. Depending on their target audience and internet usage, brands nowadays have been able to do away with advertising on mass media and have successfully launched purely through online efforts. These days, even radio commercials are being played on Spotify. There is hardly…

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Uncommon Tips for Facebook Ad Success

When it comes to talking about tips that will make your Facebook ads a success there are certainly plenty of them floating around. However, there are also, many uncommon tips that we don’t hear so much about that can make our Facebook ad campaigns that much more successful. That’s what we are going to look…

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Why You Should Split Test Your Facebook Ads

One of the key things any advertiser using Facebook ads must do is make sure that their ads are running the best they can. Far too often advertisers launch a Facebook ad campaign, pay little attention and then are shocked, disappointed, even angry when they see they spend $200 and the results were minimal. Instantly…

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Bid Higher and Get Quicker Approval of Your Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be an effective way to increase your prospects’ awareness, build new likes, direct people to your website, create a one time offer, and much more. Facebook ad placements are based on your bid and what most advertisers are aware of is that the higher your bid the higher your placement but what…

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How to Expand Your Audience With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are a great tool for your online business or your traditional business. They provide a very detailed way for you to target your audience and expand that audience. You can target people based on what they do, what they like, who they are, where they live, and almost any other way you can…

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Choosing Effective Facebook Ad Images

One of the most important areas of creating your Facebook ad is the choosing the image. Your images can actually make or break your ad. When you are choosing your Facebook ad images you should keep the following in mind. 1. People like to click on an image of a person A friendly face seems…

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